Supporting Tech Support Online

Online tech support pairs constantly evolving technology with the care and keeping of hardware and software. However, maintaining IT tech support that operates strictly online can be risky.

Without face-to-face interaction, clients have more difficulty feeling as though they can trust the person behind the screen. It’s also sad but true that a number of scammers have branded themselves as IT tech support services.

With Free Merchant Terminal, you can help convince your clientele of your legitimacy with a platform that’ll support your high risk business without penalties.

When you create a merchant account through Free Merchant Terminal, you can:

Secure Information

Keep personal information secure for both you and your clients, thanks to Free Merchant Terminal’s private servers

Establish Payment

Establish a client payment history via digitized invoicing

Recurring Payment

Set up recurring payments, so clients won’t fall behind on your fees

Online or Offline Access

Gain access to your invoice library and financial details online or offline

A Trustworthy Platform

The Internet is rife with insecurity. As such, potential clients who come looking for online tech support need to feel supported from the get-go. You need to immediately establish your business as having their best interests at heart.

When you use Free Merchant Terminal, you’re establishing a high-risk merchant account that’s approachable, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to use. There’s no need to learn how to use an online platform from scratch. Free Merchant Terminal keeps its design consc

Even if you do encounter a problem with your storefront, Free Merchant Terminal has customer service representatives readily available to help you overcome any difficulties. In the projects you undertake, you can feel certain that you aren’t taming the beast of business alone.

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Easy Payment Processing

If you’re in online tech support, then you’re aware of the many different ways scammers trick users into giving up their credit card numbers or other personal information. In this case, not only does communicating with a client require significant trust, but it also demands that you make use of a payment processing platform that you know is safe.

Your clients will find additional security in Free Merchant Terminal’s straightforward credit card payment processing. Because Free Merchant Terminal stores all its client and user data on private, secure services, neither you nor your clients are at risk of unauthorized individuals getting their hands on financial information.

Record-Keeping at Its Finest

If you work with a client over an extended period, it’s easy to become lost in the paperwork. Keeping record of the payments–previously issued, upcoming, or currently due–can be easier said than done.

With Free Merchant Terminal’s digital invoicing library, you can step back in time and compare any spreadsheets of your own. Access the library online or offline to see what bills you’ve issued, which have been paid, and what a particular client’s payment history looks like.

Free Merchant Terminal operates with your ease in mind, so you can better perform for your clients. Don’t let your online tech support business fall by the wayside. Take advantage of Free Merchant Terminal and offer your clients the security and convenience they deserve.